CNET : Rock the Vote Registers Voters with QR Code T-shirts

The Scan to Vote T-shirt is part of a larger campaign aimed at signing up 1.5 million new voters before election day rolls around this fall. The shirts are available for $28 through Threads 4 Thought. Scan the QR code printed on the shirt and you end up at the Scan to Vote Web site and can walk through the process of registering to vote online.

I remember when Rock the Vote first launched in the early 1990s. It was all over MTV and endorsed by everyone from Madonna to Queen Latifah. It was cool.

The organization has never been afraid to try out new technologies in its quest to register voters. It once teamed up with Microsoft to reach out to gamers through Xbox Live. Go back even further and you’ll find an iTunes promotion exchanging free songs for a voting commitment.

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